Birthplace of Shri Ram Ji – Ayodhya (Ram Temple)

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Birthplace of Shri Ram Ji - Ayodhya (Ram Temple)

According to Sanatan Dharma, there have been four eras till now. Whose names are – Birthplace of Shri Ram Ji Ayodhya (Ram Temple)

1. golden age
2. Treta Yuga
3. Dwapara Yuga
4. Kalyug (which is going on now)

In the second of these eras, ‘Tretayuga’, Lord Vishnu came to this earth in the form of Shri Ram Ji. He was born as the son of King Dasharatha. The place where his kingdom was, today that land is famous by the name of ‘Ayodhya’ city of Uttar Pradesh state of India.

History of birthplace of Shri Ram Ji

The name of the capital of the ancient Indian kingdom Kosal was ‘Awadh’, which after some time came to be known as ‘Ayodhya’ and during the Buddhist period, the place called Ayodhya became famous by the name ‘Saket’.ram mandir opening date ayodhya

The birthplace of Shri Ram, the city of Ayodhya was settled by ‘Vaivaswat Manu’, the son of ‘Vivaswan’ (Surya), the ancestor of Lord Shri Ram, from that time the Suryavanshi kings ruled the city of Ayodhya. Which continued till the Mahabharata period of Dwapar era. Shri Ram’s father King Dashrath was also a Suryavanshi king.

When Lord Shri Ram took water samadhi, the city of Ayodhya along with him got immersed in the Saryu river. Only the deserted land of Ayodhya city was left. King Kush, the son of Lord Shri Ram, rebuilt Ayodhya again.

After this the Suryavanshis ruled for the next 44 generations. The last king of whom was – Maharaja Brihadbal. Who died at the hands of Abhimanyu in the Mahabharata war.

According to ‘Bhavishya Purana’, about 100 years before Christ, Chakravarti Emperor Vikramaditya of Ujjain got the ruined Ayodhya rebuilt once again. He built about 360 temples on the banks of Saryu river in Ayodhya. King Vikramaditya was a great devotee of Lord Vishnu and to show his devotion, he built a grand temple along with a lake, palace and well at the birthplace of Shri Ram.

Even after King Vikramaditya, other kings took care of this temple. He was the king –ram mandir history

Pushyamitra Sunga

‘Pushyamitra Shunga’ was the first king of the Shunga dynasty, he also got this temple repaired and performed two Ashwamedha Yagyas. It is mentioned in an inscription of Pushyamitra by his commander in Ayodhya.hare krishna hare rama mandir

Chandragupta II

According to many records, Ayodhya was made the capital of the Gupta Empire during the time of King Chandragupta II of the Gupta dynasty and for a long time thereafter.ram lala mandir about ram mandir

Ayodhya was an important trading center around 600 BC. The birthplace of Shri Ram Ji became internationally recognized in the 5th century, when it emerged as a major Buddhist centre. By that time Ayodhya had already been named Saket.

Then in the 7th century, a Chinese traveler named ‘Hiuen Tsang’ came to India. According to him, there were 3,000 monks and 20 Buddhist temples present at this place. Apart from this, there was a grand temple of Hindus here (in Ayodhya), where thousands of people used to come to visit every day.

Raja Naresh Jaichand

Then in the 11th century, King of Kannauj ‘Naresh Jaichand’ came, who removed the inscription praising Emperor Vikramaditya and got his name written on this temple of Ayodhya. Then after the battle of Panipat, Jaichand came to an end.

After this, continuous attacks started happening on India. These attackers looted Mathura, Kashi as well as Ayodhya. In which priests were killed and statues started being broken. But till the 14th century, they could not demolish this grand Ram temple in Ayodhya, the birthplace of Shri Ram Ji.

This temple existed even during the time of Sikandar Lodi. But since the arrival of the Mughals, many attacks were carried out to destroy Ayodhya – the birthplace of Shri Ram Ji.

Ultimately, on the orders of Babar, the founder of the Mughal Empire on the birthplace of Shri Ram Ji, his commander ‘Mir Baqi’ demolished this grand temple of Ayodhya in the year 1527-28 and built ‘Babri Masjid’ in its place.ram lalla

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