Suspending his campaign, Vivek Ramaswamy supports Trump

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Vivek Ramaswamy Supports Trump :On January 15, 2024, in Des Moines, Iowa, Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy speaks during his caucus night event at the Surety Hotel. A biotech entrepreneur and author of “Woke, Inc.” Vivek Ramaswamy declared on Monday night that he is putting his presidential candidacy on hold.. “The surprise that we had planned for tonight did not go as anticipated,” he said.

In October, Ramaswamy told Axios that he would come “solid second or third”” in the Iowa caucuses. However, he finished fourth in the first presidential contest. Donald Trump, the former president, topped the caucuses. Ramaswamy has given Trump her support in the candidacy.


Ramaswamy attempted to highlight “America First” principles during the campaign trail, a position that has gained traction among Trump supporters. BLast May, Ramaswamy said to NPR, “I wouldn’t call myself a disciple of Donald Trump.” “To emphasize that ‘America first’ is bigger than Donald Trump, I would embrace the label ‘America First.'” It is not Donald Trump’s property.” Vivek Ramaswamy Supports Trump

According to Ramaswamy, the core of his effort was restoring a sense of national identity. “I see a need in our society and a task that needs to be accomplished, but I don’t see many individuals standing forward to fulfill: defining what it means to be an American in the modern period and reviving our lost sense of national identity, particularly in the eyes of the next generation of Americans,” he said.

His policy recommendations included raising the voting age to 25 years old, deporting children of undocumented immigrants, and reducing the Federal Reserve employment by at least 90%. Vivek Ramaswamy Supports Trump

The former businessman, who was an outspoken supporter of the “anti-woke” movement, asserted that his presidency would oppose “woke” policies.

However, his campaign was also characterized by his promotion of conspiracy theories, such as the claims that the 2020 election was rigged, the Jan. 6 uprising at the U.S. Capitol was a “inside job,” and the Democratic Party’s platform includes the “Great Replacement theory,” which has its roots in white supremacist ideology.

Vivek Ramaswamy

His persona also criticized his competitors.Former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley referred to Ramaswamy as “scum” at a GOP debate when he brought up her kid and made remarks about Haley’s parenting. Ramaswamy’s stance on the conflict in Ukraine was another area of criticism for Haley, who said, “You have no foreign policy experience and it shows.”

Former governor of New Jersey Chris Christie referred to Ramaswamy as “the most obnoxious blowhard in America” during another debate.

Prior to entering politics, Ramaswamy founded his biotech and pharmaceutical company, Roivant Sciences Ltd. In 2022.He established Strive Asset Management, a provider of “anti-woke” index funds, in 2022.

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