Is TSA PreCheck Worth It One way to make your vacation better is to spend as little time as possible in the airport. Programs like TSA PreCheck can help you bypass long lines during a busy summer travel season amid a record tourism rebound. A March 2024survey from The Vacationer found that 85% of Americans plan on traveling at least once this summer, which is 3% more than in 2023.
With increased travel demand, you could see crowded airports and long lines at the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). To combat lengthy wait times, TSA PreCheck provides an expedited screening program in approximately 150 airports across the United States.
With a TSA PreCheck membership, you can drastically reduce the time spent waiting in the security line. Even better, you won’t have to worry about removing your shoes, electronics, belt or jacket when being screened.
Save Time
How much does TSA PreCheck cost?
Before you buy, keep in mind your application to be deemed a low-risk traveler includes an in-person enrollment portion, and it could take longer than usual to be processed due to an influx of travelers.
A five-year TSA PreCheck membership costs $78, and you can renew it for $70 up to six months before it expires. It could cost you less, though, as select travel rewards credit cards cover some or all TSA PreCheck application fees through statement credit reimbursement. TSA PreCheck.
Is TSA PreCheck worth the money?
With a $78 one-time fee, you pay about $15.50 per year over five years. What do you get for your money? Shorter wait times. In May 2023, 88% of TSA PreCheck passengers waited less than five minutes in security lines, according to the TSA. Heavy Traffic At TSA PreCheck.
Even if you’re not rushing to catch your plane every time you travel, TSA PreCheck can come in especially handy at some of the busiest airports. With the ability to breeze through the security line, you’ll have more time to make your way to your gate — which in bigger airports, could be quite a trek from TSA.
Quick service via TSA PreCheck is also great for frequent fliers who plan to take multiple trips over the course of a year, which 50% of Americans are doing in 2024, according to the Vacationer. Use TSA pre check.
Get TSA PreCheck benefits with Global Entry
If you often travel internationally, you may be better off applying for Global Entry. Run by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Global Entry costs $100 and includes a TSA PreCheck benefit. Plan on it taking from four-to-six months for your application to be processed. You can get updates and track the status of your application at check the Trusted Traveler Program website.